Fairton School A-Z
Please contact our office before school to advise us of any absences. We ask that this is done each day that a child is absent. You may leave a message on the answer phone. If a child has an appointment or special event coming up, please let the classroom teacher know.
Activity Fee
The government provides activity fee funding for our curriculum learning. Payment would only be asked for when activities are outside of our regular school activities.
Annual Events
Each year our school is involved in the following activities. Some involve our linking with other schools for an increased level of competition.
Term 1 Swimming Sports and School Community Barbecue
Term 2 Cross Country and Fairton Heritage Day
Term 3 Winter tournament and Speech Competitions
Term 4 Athletic Sports, Pet Day and our annual Learning Celebration
Arrival and after school times
Supervision requirements and allowing adequate teacher preparation time means that we request that children don’t arrive at school before 8.30am and that they are collected after school before 3.15pm.
Please note that there is an “in class bell” at 8:55am with school officially starting at 9:00am
Our school assemblies are held three times a term from 2.15pm to 2.45pm. They are on the Wednesday afternoons in weeks three, six and nine. Parents and extended family are welcome. Assemblies are coordinated by our senior students and highlight recent classroom learning and student achievement.
Electronic Devices
Unless special permission has been given by the classroom teacher or our Principal, electronic devices are not permitted at school.
For enrolment information please contact our office. To help children transition to school we recommend that they come along for some school visits prior to starting. If the child is not a five year old we welcome visits to have a look around our school.
Friends of Fairton
This is our Parent support group for the school. They are involved with the organisation of several school events and fundraisers. All parents/caregivers are most welcome to join FoF. Dates for meetings will be notified in our school newsletter.
Jewellery, Personal Items and Make up
For safety reasons no Jewellery is to be worn. The following exceptions are allowed: plain ear studs, a watch, a cultural necklace, birth or medical bracelet. The necklace and bracelets must be worn tightly on the body and against the skin.
Hair accessories need to be sensible and appropiate for school. No nail polish is to be worn.
Parents must ask for a prior exemption from the Principal for the wearing of any variation.
Students need to bring a packed lunch each day. In Terms 2 and 3 students can bring lunch items wrapped in tin foil that can be reheated in our pie warmer. At lunchtime all our students are expected to stay seated for ten minutes for eating. The duty teacher checks the NE – Y5 lunchboxes to see if they have eaten a reasonable lunch.
Students are welcome to bring drink bottles of water to school as a healthy drink option. High sugar fizzy or fruit drinks are not allowed at school.
School newsletters are sent by email every second Wednesday. A community newsletter goes out the RD2 mailbox area on alternate Wednesdays. Recent newsletters can be viewed on this web site and hard copies can be obtained if necessary from our Office.
We ask that all lunch rubbish go home in lunch boxes. Food scraps can go into our worm farm. At school we recycle paper products and any plastics that we use.
School Hours
8:55am – 9:00am, Classroom Preparation
9:00am – 10:40am, Learning
10:40am – 11:00am, Morning break
11.00am – 12:30noon, Learning
12:30noon – 1:30pm, Lunch
1:30pm – 3:00pm, Learning
At the end of each year a stationery list is sent home for the following year. If replacement items are needed your child’s teacher will be in contact with you.
Student Leadership
Our senior students, particularly those from Y5/6, will help with various activities and events throughout the year. Our Staff will supervise and assist where needed. We look to these older students to be appropriate role models and leaders for our younger children.
Sun Protection
All students are required to wear school sun hats in Term 1 and 4. “No hat, no play”.
We also have high factor sunscreen for each classroom to use.
Swimming Pool
Our pool is passively solar heated, which does take the chill out of it. If the weather cooperates classes will swim each day over Summer. We do have pool keys available for school families and community members at a reasonable charge for the summer season. Contact our office if you’d like to purchase one.
Our uniform is compulsory and is able to be bought from various retailers.
Please contact our office for advice on where to purchase uniform items.
Royal blue short sleeve polo
Royal blue polar fleece
Royal blue vest
Navy Shorts (girls and boys)
School Culottes (girls)
Black or brown leather shoes, sneakers or sturdy sandals
Royal blue school sun hat
Royal blue long or short sleeve polo
Royal blue polar fleece with school logo
Royal blue vest
Plain blue polyprops (or similar) may be worn under polo tops
Navy Track pants (sports type)
Black or brown leather school shoes or sneakers
Second hand clothing for sale
Contact the school office to check if there are any items available.
Parents must ask for a prior exemption from the Principal for the wearing of any variation to the school uniform.
At Fairton we have our four central values; Pride, Integrity, Excellence and Strength. These values are incorporated into our school activities. We would appreciate you promoting these values at home where possible.
We ask that all visitors please sign in at our office on arrival. If this is unattended please head to Room 1 (next door class) to see their classroom teacher.